Prospector Pro

All you need to know about Prospector Pro

Prospector Pro has been dreamt up by a former agency owner who dealt with the challenges that prospecting brings. And it's been created and designed by tech experts who dreamt up an ethical Al-based way to overcome those hurdles to sales success.

The Prospector Pro Promise

We take our responsibilities seriously to our clients, team and the estate agency industry. As a values-driven company, we’re committed to exceptional service and doing things the right way by creating our Prospector Pro Promise.

We Promise

  • Open and transparent in all our dealings with clients
  • Honest about the software’s capabilities
  • Use Al to enhance the human experience, not replace it
  • Human-led tech service rather than a “computer says no” company

Ready to take your sales to the next level?

Helping your team prospect professionally, predictably and powerfully